Heating oil is one of the most efficient and affordable fuels used in residential heating. While traditional heating oil is one of the best heating options out there, it is not the only option you have to keep your oil burner running.
Bioheat fuel is becoming a popular alternative to traditional heating oil, and for good reason. Not only does it heat just as well as normal heating oil, it also provides a wide variety of benefits that homeowners can take advantage of to save money and reduce their carbon footprint.
With so many amazing advantages, Bioheat fuel is the best option for homeowners who use oil burners to heat their home. But what exactly is Bioheat fuel?
Bioheat fuel is a heating oil alternative made by blending ultra-low-sulfur heating oil with clean-burning biodiesel. This biodiesel is made from unused agricultural byproducts, including soybean oil, corn oil, used cooking oil, animal fats and tallows, canola oil, and a variety of other recycled oils. This makes Bioheat fuel the ideal choice for the more environmentally conscious homeowner.
Why Bioheat is Better than Traditional Heating Oil?
Bioheat fuel offers several advantages over regular heating oil, making it the superior fuel for keeping your heating system running all winter long. When it comes to home heating, it is understandable that you would want to know exactly what you are getting into before you make such a big change. What makes Bioheat fuel that much better than the heating oil you have been using for years?
Reduced Carbon Emissions
One of the most obvious advantages that Bioheat fuel has over its traditional counterpart is that it releases much fewer greenhouse gasses into the air when burned.
Bioheat fuel is a blend of biodiesel and ultra-low sulfur (ULS) heating oil, both of which are much more environmentally friendly than conventional heating oil and one of which comes from a completely renewable energy source.
ULS heating oil, which makes up the majority of the blend, already produces fewer harmful sulfur dioxide emissions by itself, and with the inclusion of biodiesel in the mix, Bioheat fuel allows you to further reduce emissions without having to turn off the heat.
Lowers Energy Costs by Burning Cleaner and More Efficiently
Another one of Bioheat fuel’s biggest advantages is that when paired with modern high-efficiency equipment, it burns cleaner and more efficiently than conventional heating oil and even natural gas. This means that you’ll get more heating power per gallon, leading to significant cost savings in the long run.
High-efficiency, clean-burning Bioheat fuel is also much better for your health, the environment, and your heating system. The particulate matter (PM) released as heating oil burns can damage your heating system over time, but Bioheat fuel releases far fewer damage-causing particulates, leading to fewer breakdowns and saving you even more money in preventable maintenance and repairs.
Compatible With a Wide Variety of Heating Systems
One of the most underrated benefits that Bioheat fuel offers is that it requires no expensive upgrades to use. If you have a conventional oil burning heating system, you can make the switch to Bioheat and start taking advantage of all the benefits right away.
While it can be used in your current system, that does not mean that you should avoid making an upgrade. You can use Bioheat fuel with all of the modern, high-efficiency heating equipment, providing you with further savings on your heating bill and allowing you to take advantage of the many rebates and tax credits that can come along with upgrading.

Contact Chester County Fuel Oil Today
Are you looking to make the switch to Bioheat fuel? Give Chester County Fuel Oil a call. They are well known for their reliable and affordable heating oil delivery service. Their team is happy to deliver the Bioheat fuel that your home’s heating system needs to keep you warm, save you money, and preserve the environment. Do not settle for a dirtier and more expensive heating fuel when you do not have to. Call Chester County Fuel Oil and ask about Bioheat fuel today.