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We offer automatic fuel oil deliveries as well as will-call fuel oil deliveries. Our automatic fuel oil delivery service provides fuel throughout the heating season; we use a technology based on degree days to predict when you will need an oil delivery. We offer this valuable service to all our customers at no additional cost!

Contact us to be directed to the best fuel oil plan in Chester County.

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Same low pricing for new and existing customers

You will receive market pricing with a price cap. Your price will never exceed the maximum price, but it can fall short of it. To participate in this Program, you must be on automatic delivery and purchase all of your oil for the season from Chester County Fuel Inc. (Non-refundable cap fee per gallon applies)


Your price will fluctuate with the market with no cap price and no fees. Click to enroll in a Market Price Contract.


PREBUY PLAN – purchase your entire season’s oil up front. Our best-price option.

BUDGET PLAN – maximize your cash flow by stretching your season’s oil cost into 12 monthly installments, instead of per winter delivery when money can be tight.

10-DAY “Pay as you go” PLAN – Pay for your delivery within 10 days and receive a prompt-pay discount.

Chester County Fuel Inc. proudly supports LIHEAP.




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Chester County Fuel Oil: Home Heating Oil FAQ

Chester County Fuel Oil is proud to serve customers all over Chester County by providing the home heating oil they need to keep their homes warm all winter long. Still, it’s not uncommon for homeowners to have questions, so here are some answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about home heating oil.

Chester County Fuel Oil truck

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Heating Oil, or Fuel Oil, is a type of fuel that is used in furnaces and boilers to heat homes and provide hot water. Without heating oil, the furnaces and boilers that require it will not function or be able to provide hot water or heat to the home.

Though homeowners should already be aware of how their home’s heating system works, there are a few easy ways to tell if a heater runs on heating oil. The most obvious sign that your home’s heating system requires fuel oil is an oil tank in the basement.  

However, there are also other obvious signs that can be checked to ensure a heating system runs on fuel oil. These signs include the presence of a fill pipe on the outside of the home, or in the home’s yard.  There is also a ventilation pipe which is usually located near the fill pipe on the outside of the house, or close to the chimney. Homeowners should also be able to spot copper or steel supply lines in the basement that lead from the oil tank to the furnace or boiler.

There are many different ways to heat a home, but using fuel oil is no doubt one of the best ways to do it. Heating oil is much more energy dense than other fuels like natural gas or propane, and burns at much higher temperatures. This means that it can heat homes and provide hot water much faster than most of the alternatives.

Heating oil is also much cleaner than it used to be, with burner emissions rates reaching near-zero levels.  This not only helps conserve the environment, but also the indoor air quality of your home.

Lastly, heating a home with fuel oil can make it easier to keep track of energy costs since it is measured in and priced by the gallon, similar to gasoline-powered cars.

Chester County Fuel Oil offers fast and reliable heating oil delivery to clients all over southeastern Pennsylvania, allowing homeowners to rest easy knowing that their home’s heating oil will be delivered directly to their home’s oil tank.

With Chester County Fuel Oil’s heating oil delivery service, every customer can ensure that they receive the highest quality service at great prices that keep money in homeowners’ pockets.

Oil furnace

Just like any other type of fuel, home heating oil prices can vary depending on a variety of market factors, which makes it difficult to give an exact answer. Something consumers should look for in an oil company is one where their market rate price is posted on their website.  Posted website pricing provides transparency to the consumer and is indicative that the company offers the same fair, honest pricing to everyone.   

Chester County Fuel Oil offers a number of different oil contracts for homeowners to choose from. These plans give homeowners a variety of payment options to consider and allow them to choose the plan that’s most convenient and suitable for their home and budget. These plans include:

  • Prebuy Plan – This plan allows homeowners to purchase their entire season’s worth of fuel oil upfront. This may require a bit of planning on the homeowner’s part, however this is the lowest-priced option for homeowners.
  • Budget Plan – Many homeowners may not be able to afford to pay for a whole year’s worth of heating oil all at once, and with the Budget Plan, they never have to. The Budget Plan allows homeowners to pay for their year’s oil in 12 monthly installments, instead of paying all at once.
  • 10-Day “Pay As You Go” Plan – For this plan, all homeowners need to do is pay for their fuel oil delivery within ten days of its arrival to receive a discount on the total price of the oil delivery.

Chester County Fuel Oil sells oil at market prices, however they also offer Price Protection Plans to protect homeowners from sudden spikes in oil prices. Chester County Fuel Oil’s CAP Protection Program allows homeowners to protect their wallets by ensuring that what they pay is never over the agreed-upon price cap, with the added benefit of downside protection.  Downside protection means the customer will receive the lower market rate should it dip below the CAP price. 

In order to enroll in Pricing Programs, homeowners must be set up to have automatic deliveries.

Yes, Chester County Fuel Oil provides heating oil to both residential and commercial customers alike, ensuring that homes and businesses are equally safe from the brutal cold of winter.

Whether buying heating oil or repairing your heating or air conditioning systems, Chester County Fuel Oil is the company that Chester County trusts to provide great service and quality work no matter what. Their team of highly trained technicians is extremely knowledgeable and has the experience to ensure the highest level of reliability and complete customer satisfaction every time. From heating oil delivery to heating and cooling system installation, maintenance, and repairs, there’s no better choice than Chester County Fuel Oil.

Chester County Fuel Oil van

For homeowners who still have additional questions about home heating oil and heating fuel delivery services, the professionals at Chester County Fuel Oil are always there to help and happy to answer any questions that may come up.

Whether in West Chester or anywhere else in Chester County or the surrounding area, homeowners know that when they need reliable fuel delivery services, there’s only one HVAC service company they can trust to provide exceptional service that gets the job done right, and that’s Chester County Fuel Oil. Contact Chester County Fuel Oil today to learn more about their heating oil delivery, oil pricing plans, service contracts, and other HVAC services.